Beamline magnet elements ======================== These detector elements don't directly serve a role in particle detection, but have to be included to accomodate for particle-matter interactions. The provided magnet types are :ref:`dipole ` and :ref:`quadrupole ` magnets and :ref:`spin rotators `. .. _dip: Dipole magnets ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Magnets generating dipole field used for beam steering and spectrometry. example use: .. code-block:: XML .. _quad: Quadrupole magnets ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Magnets used for bea focusing, loosely based on design shown `here `_. More information can be also found at reference discussing the `EIC design `_. example use: .. code-block:: XML .. _snake: Helical dipole magnets ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ These beamline elements are used for spin rotation. See this `reference `_ for more information. .. image:: images/D-helix.png :width: 400 example use: .. code-block:: XML